Source code for

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Rapptz
Copyright (c) 2021-present Pycord Development

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
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Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, TypeVar

from import _threaded_guild_channel_factory
from ..components import SelectMenu, SelectOption
from ..emoji import Emoji
from ..enums import ChannelType, ComponentType
from ..errors import InvalidArgument
from ..interactions import Interaction
from ..member import Member
from ..partial_emoji import PartialEmoji
from ..role import Role
from ..threads import Thread
from ..user import User
from ..utils import MISSING
from .item import Item, ItemCallbackType

__all__ = (

    from import GuildChannel
    from ..types.components import SelectMenu as SelectMenuPayload
    from ..types.interactions import ComponentInteractionData
    from .view import View

S = TypeVar("S", bound="Select")
V = TypeVar("V", bound="View", covariant=True)

[docs]class Select(Item[V]): """Represents a UI select menu. This is usually represented as a drop down menu. In order to get the selected items that the user has chosen, use :attr:`Select.values`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.3 Added support for :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.user_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.role_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.mentionable_select`, and :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select`. Parameters ---------- select_type: :class:`discord.ComponentType` The type of select to create. Must be one of :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.user_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.role_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.mentionable_select`, or :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select`. custom_id: :class:`str` The ID of the select menu that gets received during an interaction. If not given then one is generated for you. placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder text that is shown if nothing is selected, if any. min_values: :class:`int` The minimum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu. Defaults to 1 and must be between 1 and 25. max_values: :class:`int` The maximum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu. Defaults to 1 and must be between 1 and 25. options: List[:class:`discord.SelectOption`] A list of options that can be selected in this menu. Only valid for selects of type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select`. channel_types: List[:class:`discord.ChannelType`] A list of channel types that can be selected in this menu. Only valid for selects of type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select`. disabled: :class:`bool` Whether the select is disabled or not. row: Optional[:class:`int`] The relative row this select menu belongs to. A Discord component can only have 5 rows. By default, items are arranged automatically into those 5 rows. If you'd like to control the relative positioning of the row then passing an index is advised. For example, row=1 will show up before row=2. Defaults to ``None``, which is automatic ordering. The row number must be between 0 and 4 (i.e. zero indexed). """ __item_repr_attributes__: tuple[str, ...] = ( "type", "placeholder", "min_values", "max_values", "options", "channel_types", "disabled", ) def __init__( self, select_type: ComponentType = ComponentType.string_select, *, custom_id: str | None = None, placeholder: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, options: list[SelectOption] = None, channel_types: list[ChannelType] = None, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> None: if options and select_type is not ComponentType.string_select: raise InvalidArgument("options parameter is only valid for string selects") if channel_types and select_type is not ComponentType.channel_select: raise InvalidArgument( "channel_types parameter is only valid for channel selects" ) super().__init__() self._selected_values: list[str] = [] self._interaction: Interaction | None = None if min_values < 0 or min_values > 25: raise ValueError("min_values must be between 0 and 25") if max_values < 1 or max_values > 25: raise ValueError("max_values must be between 1 and 25") if placeholder and len(placeholder) > 150: raise ValueError("placeholder must be 150 characters or fewer") if not isinstance(custom_id, str) and custom_id is not None: raise TypeError( f"expected custom_id to be str, not {custom_id.__class__.__name__}" ) self._provided_custom_id = custom_id is not None custom_id = os.urandom(16).hex() if custom_id is None else custom_id self._underlying: SelectMenu = SelectMenu._raw_construct( custom_id=custom_id, type=select_type, placeholder=placeholder, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, options=options or [], channel_types=channel_types or [], ) self.row = row @property def custom_id(self) -> str: """The ID of the select menu that gets received during an interaction.""" return self._underlying.custom_id @custom_id.setter def custom_id(self, value: str): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("custom_id must be None or str") if len(value) > 100: raise ValueError("custom_id must be 100 characters or fewer") self._underlying.custom_id = value @property def placeholder(self) -> str | None: """The placeholder text that is shown if nothing is selected, if any.""" return self._underlying.placeholder @placeholder.setter def placeholder(self, value: str | None): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("placeholder must be None or str") if value and len(value) > 150: raise ValueError("placeholder must be 150 characters or fewer") self._underlying.placeholder = value @property def min_values(self) -> int: """The minimum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu.""" return self._underlying.min_values @min_values.setter def min_values(self, value: int): if value < 0 or value > 25: raise ValueError("min_values must be between 0 and 25") self._underlying.min_values = int(value) @property def max_values(self) -> int: """The maximum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu.""" return self._underlying.max_values @max_values.setter def max_values(self, value: int): if value < 1 or value > 25: raise ValueError("max_values must be between 1 and 25") self._underlying.max_values = int(value) @property def disabled(self) -> bool: """Whether the select is disabled or not.""" return self._underlying.disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, value: bool): self._underlying.disabled = bool(value) @property def channel_types(self) -> list[ChannelType]: """A list of channel types that can be selected in this menu.""" return self._underlying.channel_types @channel_types.setter def channel_types(self, value: list[ChannelType]): if self._underlying.type is not ComponentType.channel_select: raise InvalidArgument("channel_types can only be set on channel selects") self._underlying.channel_types = value @property def options(self) -> list[SelectOption]: """A list of options that can be selected in this menu.""" return self._underlying.options @options.setter def options(self, value: list[SelectOption]): if self._underlying.type is not ComponentType.string_select: raise InvalidArgument("options can only be set on string selects") if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("options must be a list of SelectOption") if not all(isinstance(obj, SelectOption) for obj in value): raise TypeError("all list items must subclass SelectOption") self._underlying.options = value
[docs] def add_option( self, *, label: str, value: str = MISSING, description: str | None = None, emoji: str | Emoji | PartialEmoji | None = None, default: bool = False, ): """Adds an option to the select menu. To append a pre-existing :class:`discord.SelectOption` use the :meth:`append_option` method instead. Parameters ---------- label: :class:`str` The label of the option. This is displayed to users. Can only be up to 100 characters. value: :class:`str` The value of the option. This is not displayed to users. If not given, defaults to the label. Can only be up to 100 characters. description: Optional[:class:`str`] An additional description of the option, if any. Can only be up to 100 characters. emoji: Optional[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`.Emoji`, :class:`.PartialEmoji`]] The emoji of the option, if available. This can either be a string representing the custom or unicode emoji or an instance of :class:`.PartialEmoji` or :class:`.Emoji`. default: :class:`bool` Whether this option is selected by default. Raises ------ ValueError The number of options exceeds 25. """ if self._underlying.type is not ComponentType.string_select: raise Exception("options can only be set on string selects") option = SelectOption( label=label, value=value, description=description, emoji=emoji, default=default, ) self.append_option(option)
[docs] def append_option(self, option: SelectOption): """Appends an option to the select menu. Parameters ---------- option: :class:`discord.SelectOption` The option to append to the select menu. Raises ------ ValueError The number of options exceeds 25. """ if self._underlying.type is not ComponentType.string_select: raise Exception("options can only be set on string selects") if len(self._underlying.options) > 25: raise ValueError("maximum number of options already provided") self._underlying.options.append(option)
@property def values( self, ) -> ( list[str] | list[Member | User] | list[Role] | list[Member | User | Role] | list[GuildChannel | Thread] ): """List[:class:`str`] | List[:class:`discord.Member` | :class:`discord.User`]] | List[:class:`discord.Role`]] | List[:class:`discord.Member` | :class:`discord.User` | :class:`discord.Role`]] | List[:class:``] | None: A list of values that have been selected by the user. This will be ``None`` if the select has not been interacted with yet. """ if self._interaction is None: # The select has not been interacted with yet return None select_type = self._underlying.type if select_type is ComponentType.string_select: return self._selected_values resolved = [] selected_values = list(self._selected_values) state = self._interaction._state guild = self._interaction.guild resolved_data ="resolved", {}) if select_type is ComponentType.channel_select: for channel_id, _data in resolved_data.get("channels", {}).items(): if channel_id not in selected_values: continue if ( int(channel_id) in guild._channels or int(channel_id) in guild._threads ): result = guild.get_channel_or_thread(int(channel_id)) _data["_invoke_flag"] = True ( result._update(_data) if isinstance(result, Thread) else result._update(guild, _data) ) else: # NOTE: # This is a fallback in case the channel/thread is not found in the # guild's channels/threads. For channels, if this fallback occurs, at the very minimum, # permissions will be incorrect due to a lack of permission_overwrite data. # For threads, if this fallback occurs, info like thread owner id, message count, # flags, and more will be missing due to a lack of data sent by Discord. obj_type = _threaded_guild_channel_factory(_data["type"])[0] result = obj_type(state=state, data=_data, guild=guild) resolved.append(result) elif select_type in ( ComponentType.user_select, ComponentType.mentionable_select, ): cache_flag = state.member_cache_flags.interaction resolved_user_data = resolved_data.get("users", {}) resolved_member_data = resolved_data.get("members", {}) for _id in selected_values: if (_data := resolved_user_data.get(_id)) is not None: if (_member_data := resolved_member_data.get(_id)) is not None: member = dict(_member_data) member["user"] = _data _data = member result = guild._get_and_update_member( _data, int(_id), cache_flag ) else: result = User(state=state, data=_data) resolved.append(result) if select_type in (ComponentType.role_select, ComponentType.mentionable_select): for role_id, _data in resolved_data.get("roles", {}).items(): if role_id not in selected_values: continue resolved.append(Role(guild=guild, state=state, data=_data)) return resolved @property def width(self) -> int: return 5 def to_component_dict(self) -> SelectMenuPayload: return self._underlying.to_dict() def refresh_component(self, component: SelectMenu) -> None: self._underlying = component def refresh_state(self, interaction: Interaction) -> None: data: ComponentInteractionData = # type: ignore self._selected_values = data.get("values", []) self._interaction = interaction @classmethod def from_component(cls: type[S], component: SelectMenu) -> S: return cls( select_type=component.type, custom_id=component.custom_id, placeholder=component.placeholder, min_values=component.min_values, max_values=component.max_values, options=component.options, channel_types=component.channel_types, disabled=component.disabled, row=None, ) @property def type(self) -> ComponentType: return self._underlying.type def is_dispatchable(self) -> bool: return True
_select_types = ( ComponentType.string_select, ComponentType.user_select, ComponentType.role_select, ComponentType.mentionable_select, ComponentType.channel_select, )
[docs]def select( select_type: ComponentType = ComponentType.string_select, *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, options: list[SelectOption] = MISSING, channel_types: list[ChannelType] = MISSING, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A decorator that attaches a select menu to a component. The function being decorated should have three parameters, ``self`` representing the :class:`discord.ui.View`, the :class:`discord.ui.Select` being pressed and the :class:`discord.Interaction` you receive. In order to get the selected items that the user has chosen within the callback use :attr:`Select.values`. .. versionchanged:: 2.3 Creating select menus of different types is now supported. Parameters ---------- select_type: :class:`discord.ComponentType` The type of select to create. Must be one of :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.user_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.role_select`, :attr:`discord.ComponentType.mentionable_select`, or :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select`. placeholder: Optional[:class:`str`] The placeholder text that is shown if nothing is selected, if any. custom_id: :class:`str` The ID of the select menu that gets received during an interaction. It is recommended not to set this parameter to prevent conflicts. row: Optional[:class:`int`] The relative row this select menu belongs to. A Discord component can only have 5 rows. By default, items are arranged automatically into those 5 rows. If you'd like to control the relative positioning of the row then passing an index is advised. For example, row=1 will show up before row=2. Defaults to ``None``, which is automatic ordering. The row number must be between 0 and 4 (i.e. zero indexed). min_values: :class:`int` The minimum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu. Defaults to 1 and must be between 0 and 25. max_values: :class:`int` The maximum number of items that must be chosen for this select menu. Defaults to 1 and must be between 1 and 25. options: List[:class:`discord.SelectOption`] A list of options that can be selected in this menu. Only valid for the :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select` type. channel_types: List[:class:`discord.ChannelType`] The channel types that should be selectable. Only valid for the :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select` type. Defaults to all channel types. disabled: :class:`bool` Whether the select is disabled or not. Defaults to ``False``. """ if select_type not in _select_types: raise ValueError( "select_type must be one of " + ", ".join([ for i in _select_types]) ) if options is not MISSING and select_type not in (, ComponentType.string_select, ): raise TypeError("options may only be specified for string selects") if channel_types is not MISSING and select_type is not ComponentType.channel_select: raise TypeError("channel_types may only be specified for channel selects") def decorator(func: ItemCallbackType) -> ItemCallbackType: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("select function must be a coroutine function") model_kwargs = { "select_type": select_type, "placeholder": placeholder, "custom_id": custom_id, "row": row, "min_values": min_values, "max_values": max_values, "disabled": disabled, } if options: model_kwargs["options"] = options if channel_types: model_kwargs["channel_types"] = channel_types func.__discord_ui_model_type__ = Select func.__discord_ui_model_kwargs__ = model_kwargs return func return decorator
[docs]def string_select( *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, options: list[SelectOption] = MISSING, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A shortcut for :meth:`` with select type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.string_select`. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return select( ComponentType.string_select, placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, options=options, disabled=disabled, row=row, )
[docs]def user_select( *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A shortcut for :meth:`` with select type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.user_select`. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return select( ComponentType.user_select, placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, row=row, )
[docs]def role_select( *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A shortcut for :meth:`` with select type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.role_select`. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return select( ComponentType.role_select, placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, row=row, )
[docs]def mentionable_select( *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, disabled: bool = False, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A shortcut for :meth:`` with select type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.mentionable_select`. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return select( ComponentType.mentionable_select, placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, row=row, )
[docs]def channel_select( *, placeholder: str | None = None, custom_id: str | None = None, min_values: int = 1, max_values: int = 1, disabled: bool = False, channel_types: list[ChannelType] = MISSING, row: int | None = None, ) -> Callable[[ItemCallbackType], ItemCallbackType]: """A shortcut for :meth:`` with select type :attr:`discord.ComponentType.channel_select`. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return select( ComponentType.channel_select, placeholder=placeholder, custom_id=custom_id, min_values=min_values, max_values=max_values, disabled=disabled, channel_types=channel_types, row=row, )