Source code for discord.activity

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Rapptz
Copyright (c) 2021-present Pycord Development

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
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Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Union, overload

from .asset import Asset
from .colour import Colour
from .enums import ActivityType, try_enum
from .partial_emoji import PartialEmoji
from .utils import _get_as_snowflake

__all__ = (

"""If you're curious, this is the current schema for an activity.

It's fairly long so I will document it here:

All keys are optional.

state: str (max: 128),
details: str (max: 128)
timestamps: dict
    start: int (min: 1)
    end: int (min: 1)
assets: dict
    large_image: str (max: 32)
    large_text: str (max: 128)
    small_image: str (max: 32)
    small_text: str (max: 128)
party: dict
    id: str (max: 128),
    size: List[int] (max-length: 2)
        elem: int (min: 1)
secrets: dict
    match: str (max: 128)
    join: str (max: 128)
    spectate: str (max: 128)
instance: bool
application_id: str
name: str (max: 128)
url: str
type: int
sync_id: str
session_id: str
flags: int
buttons: list[dict]
    label: str (max: 32)
    url: str (max: 512)
NOTE: Bots cannot access a user's activity button URLs. When received through the
gateway, the type of the buttons field will be list[str].

There are also activity flags which are mostly uninteresting for the library atm.

t.ActivityFlags = {
    INSTANCE: 1,
    JOIN: 2,
    SPECTATE: 4,
    SYNC: 16,
    PLAY: 32

    from .types.activity import Activity as ActivityPayload
    from .types.activity import ActivityAssets, ActivityParty, ActivityTimestamps

[docs] class BaseActivity: """The base activity that all user-settable activities inherit from. A user-settable activity is one that can be used in :meth:`Client.change_presence`. The following types currently count as user-settable: - :class:`Activity` - :class:`Game` - :class:`Streaming` - :class:`CustomActivity` Note that although these types are considered user-settable by the library, Discord typically ignores certain combinations of activity depending on what is currently set. This behaviour may change in the future so there are no guarantees on whether Discord will actually let you set these types. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ __slots__ = ("_created_at",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._created_at: float | None = kwargs.pop("created_at", None) @property def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user started doing this activity in UTC. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ if self._created_at is not None: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._created_at / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) def to_dict(self) -> ActivityPayload: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Activity(BaseActivity): """Represents an activity in Discord. This could be an activity such as streaming, playing, listening or watching. For memory optimisation purposes, some activities are offered in slimmed down versions: - :class:`Game` - :class:`Streaming` Attributes ---------- application_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The application ID of the game. name: Optional[:class:`str`] The name of the activity. url: Optional[:class:`str`] A stream URL that the activity could be doing. type: :class:`ActivityType` The type of activity currently being done. state: Optional[:class:`str`] The user's current party status or text used for a custom status. details: Optional[:class:`str`] The detail of the user's current activity. timestamps: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`int`] A dictionary of timestamps. It contains the following optional keys: - ``start``: Corresponds to when the user started doing the activity in milliseconds since Unix epoch. - ``end``: Corresponds to when the user will finish doing the activity in milliseconds since Unix epoch. assets: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`] A dictionary representing the images and their hover text of an activity. It contains the following optional keys: - ``large_image``: A string representing the ID for the large image asset. - ``large_text``: A string representing the text when hovering over the large image asset. - ``small_image``: A string representing the ID for the small image asset. - ``small_text``: A string representing the text when hovering over the small image asset. party: Dict[:class:`str`, Union[:class:`str`, List[:class:`int`]]] A dictionary representing the activity party. It contains the following optional keys: - ``id``: A string representing the party ID. - ``size``: A list of up to two integer elements denoting (current_size, maximum_size). buttons: Union[List[Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`]], List[:class:`str`]] A list of dictionaries representing custom buttons shown in a rich presence. Each dictionary contains the following keys: - ``label``: A string representing the text shown on the button. - ``url``: A string representing the URL opened upon clicking the button. .. note:: Bots cannot access a user's activity button URLs. Therefore, the type of this attribute will be List[:class:`str`] when received through the gateway. .. versionadded:: 2.0 emoji: Optional[:class:`PartialEmoji`] The emoji that belongs to this activity. """ __slots__ = ( "state", "details", "_created_at", "timestamps", "assets", "party", "flags", "sync_id", "session_id", "type", "name", "url", "application_id", "emoji", "buttons", ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.state: str | None = kwargs.pop("state", None) self.details: str | None = kwargs.pop("details", None) self.timestamps: ActivityTimestamps = kwargs.pop("timestamps", {}) self.assets: ActivityAssets = kwargs.pop("assets", {}) ActivityParty = kwargs.pop("party", {}) self.application_id: int | None = _get_as_snowflake(kwargs, "application_id") self.url: str | None = kwargs.pop("url", None) self.flags: int = kwargs.pop("flags", 0) self.sync_id: str | None = kwargs.pop("sync_id", None) self.session_id: str | None = kwargs.pop("session_id", None) self.buttons: list[str] = kwargs.pop("buttons", []) activity_type = kwargs.pop("type", -1) self.type: ActivityType = ( activity_type if isinstance(activity_type, ActivityType) else try_enum(ActivityType, activity_type) ) str | None = kwargs.pop( "name", "Custom Status" if self.type == ActivityType.custom else None ) emoji = kwargs.pop("emoji", None) self.emoji: PartialEmoji | None = ( PartialEmoji.from_dict(emoji) if emoji is not None else None ) def __repr__(self) -> str: attrs = ( ("type", self.type), ("name",, ("state", self.state), ("url", self.url), ("details", self.details), ("application_id", self.application_id), ("session_id", self.session_id), ("emoji", self.emoji), ) inner = " ".join("%s=%r" % t for t in attrs) return f"<Activity {inner}>" def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ret: dict[str, Any] = {} for attr in self.__slots__: value = getattr(self, attr, None) if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) == 0: continue ret[attr] = value ret["type"] = int(self.type) if self.emoji: ret["emoji"] = self.emoji.to_dict() return ret @property def start(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user started doing this activity in UTC, if applicable.""" try: timestamp = self.timestamps["start"] / 1000 except KeyError: return None else: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) @property def end(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user will stop doing this activity in UTC, if applicable.""" try: timestamp = self.timestamps["end"] / 1000 except KeyError: return None else: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) @property def large_image_url(self) -> str | None: """Returns a URL pointing to the large image asset of this activity if applicable.""" if self.application_id is None: return None try: large_image = self.assets["large_image"] except KeyError: return None else: return f"{Asset.BASE}/app-assets/{self.application_id}/{large_image}.png" @property def small_image_url(self) -> str | None: """Returns a URL pointing to the small image asset of this activity if applicable.""" if self.application_id is None: return None try: small_image = self.assets["small_image"] except KeyError: return None else: return f"{Asset.BASE}/app-assets/{self.application_id}/{small_image}.png" @property def large_image_text(self) -> str | None: """Returns the large image asset hover text of this activity if applicable.""" return self.assets.get("large_text", None) @property def small_image_text(self) -> str | None: """Returns the small image asset hover text of this activity if applicable.""" return self.assets.get("small_text", None)
[docs] class Game(BaseActivity): """A slimmed down version of :class:`Activity` that represents a Discord game. This is typically displayed via **Playing** on the official Discord client. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two games are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two games are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the game's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the game's name. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The game's name. Attributes ---------- name: :class:`str` The game's name. """ __slots__ = ("name", "_end", "_start") def __init__(self, name: str, **extra): super().__init__(**extra) str = name try: timestamps: ActivityTimestamps = extra["timestamps"] except KeyError: self._start = 0 self._end = 0 else: self._start = timestamps.get("start", 0) self._end = timestamps.get("end", 0) @property def type(self) -> ActivityType: """Returns the game's type. This is for compatibility with :class:`Activity`. It always returns :attr:`ActivityType.playing`. """ return ActivityType.playing @property def start(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user started playing this game in UTC, if applicable.""" if self._start: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._start / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) return None @property def end(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user will stop playing this game in UTC, if applicable.""" if self._end: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._end / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) return None def __str__(self) -> str: return str( def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Game name={!r}>" def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: timestamps: dict[str, Any] = {} if self._start: timestamps["start"] = self._start if self._end: timestamps["end"] = self._end return { "type": ActivityType.playing.value, "name": str(, "timestamps": timestamps, } def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Game) and == def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
[docs] class Streaming(BaseActivity): """A slimmed down version of :class:`Activity` that represents a Discord streaming status. This is typically displayed via **Streaming** on the official Discord client. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two streams are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two streams are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the stream's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the stream's name. Attributes ---------- platform: Optional[:class:`str`] Where the user is streaming from (ie. YouTube, Twitch). .. versionadded:: 1.3 name: Optional[:class:`str`] The stream's name. details: Optional[:class:`str`] An alias for :attr:`name` game: Optional[:class:`str`] The game being streamed. .. versionadded:: 1.3 url: :class:`str` The stream's URL. assets: Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`str`] A dictionary comprised of similar keys than those in :attr:`Activity.assets`. """ __slots__ = ("platform", "name", "game", "url", "details", "assets") def __init__(self, *, name: str | None, url: str, **extra: Any): super().__init__(**extra) self.platform: str | None = name str | None = extra.pop("details", name) str | None = extra.pop("state", None) self.url: str = url self.details: str | None = extra.pop("details", # compatibility self.assets: ActivityAssets = extra.pop("assets", {}) @property def type(self) -> ActivityType: """Returns the game's type. This is for compatibility with :class:`Activity`. It always returns :attr:`ActivityType.streaming`. """ return ActivityType.streaming def __str__(self) -> str: return str( def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Streaming name={!r}>" @property def twitch_name(self) -> str | None: """If provided, the twitch name of the user streaming. This corresponds to the ``large_image`` key of the :attr:`Streaming.assets` dictionary if it starts with ``twitch:``. Typically this is set by the Discord client. """ try: name = self.assets["large_image"] except KeyError: return None else: return name[7:] if name[:7] == "twitch:" else None def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ret: dict[str, Any] = { "type": ActivityType.streaming.value, "name": str(, "url": str(self.url), "assets": self.assets, } if self.details: ret["details"] = self.details return ret def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, Streaming) and == and other.url == self.url ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(
[docs] class Spotify: """Represents a Spotify listening activity from Discord. This is a special case of :class:`Activity` that makes it easier to work with the Spotify integration. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two activities are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two activities are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the activity's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the string 'Spotify'. """ __slots__ = ( "_state", "_details", "_timestamps", "_assets", "_party", "_sync_id", "_session_id", "_created_at", ) def __init__(self, **data): self._state: str = data.pop("state", "") self._details: str = data.pop("details", "") self._timestamps: dict[str, int] = data.pop("timestamps", {}) self._assets: ActivityAssets = data.pop("assets", {}) self._party: ActivityParty = data.pop("party", {}) self._sync_id: str = data.pop("sync_id") self._session_id: str = data.pop("session_id") self._created_at: float | None = data.pop("created_at", None) @property def type(self) -> ActivityType: """Returns the activity's type. This is for compatibility with :class:`Activity`. It always returns :attr:`ActivityType.listening`. """ return ActivityType.listening @property def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """When the user started listening in UTC. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ if self._created_at is not None: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._created_at / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) @property def colour(self) -> Colour: """Returns the Spotify integration colour, as a :class:`Colour`. There is an alias for this named :attr:`color` """ return Colour(0x1DB954) @property def color(self) -> Colour: """Returns the Spotify integration colour, as a :class:`Colour`. There is an alias for this named :attr:`colour` """ return self.colour def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "flags": 48, # SYNC | PLAY "name": "Spotify", "assets": self._assets, "party": self._party, "sync_id": self._sync_id, "session_id": self._session_id, "timestamps": self._timestamps, "details": self._details, "state": self._state, } @property def name(self) -> str: """The activity's name. This will always return "Spotify".""" return "Spotify" def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, Spotify) and other._session_id == self._session_id and other._sync_id == self._sync_id and other.start == self.start ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._session_id) def __str__(self) -> str: return "Spotify" def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "<Spotify" f" title={self.title!r} artist={self.artist!r} track_id={self.track_id!r}>" ) @property def title(self) -> str: """The title of the song being played.""" return self._details @property def artists(self) -> list[str]: """The artists of the song being played.""" return self._state.split("; ") @property def artist(self) -> str: """The artist of the song being played. This does not attempt to split the artist information into multiple artists. Useful if there's only a single artist. """ return self._state @property def album(self) -> str: """The album that the song being played belongs to.""" return self._assets.get("large_text", "") @property def album_cover_url(self) -> str: """The album cover image URL from Spotify's CDN.""" large_image = self._assets.get("large_image", "") if large_image[:8] != "spotify:": return "" album_image_id = large_image[8:] return f"{album_image_id}" @property def track_id(self) -> str: """The track ID used by Spotify to identify this song.""" return self._sync_id @property def track_url(self) -> str: """The track URL to listen on Spotify. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return f"{self.track_id}" @property def start(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When the user started playing this song in UTC.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._timestamps["start"] / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) @property def end(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When the user will stop playing this song in UTC.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self._timestamps["end"] / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) @property def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """The duration of the song being played.""" return self.end - self.start @property def party_id(self) -> str: """The party ID of the listening party.""" return self._party.get("id", "")
[docs] class CustomActivity(BaseActivity): """Represents a Custom activity from Discord. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two activities are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two activities are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the activity's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the custom status text. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Attributes ---------- name: Optional[:class:`str`] The custom activity's name. emoji: Optional[:class:`PartialEmoji`] The emoji to pass to the activity, if any. state: Optional[:class:`str`] The text used for the custom activity. """ __slots__ = ("name", "emoji", "state") def __init__( self, name: str | None, *, emoji: PartialEmoji | None = None, **extra: Any ): super().__init__(**extra) str | None = name self.state: str | None = extra.pop("state", name) if == "Custom Status": = self.state self.emoji: PartialEmoji | None if emoji is None: self.emoji = emoji elif isinstance(emoji, dict): self.emoji = PartialEmoji.from_dict(emoji) elif isinstance(emoji, str): self.emoji = PartialEmoji(name=emoji) elif isinstance(emoji, PartialEmoji): self.emoji = emoji else: raise TypeError( "Expected str, PartialEmoji, or None, received" f" {type(emoji)!r} instead." ) @property def type(self) -> ActivityType: """Returns the activity's type. This is for compatibility with :class:`Activity`. It always returns :attr:`ActivityType.custom`. """ return ActivityType.custom def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: if == self.state: o = { "type": ActivityType.custom.value, "state":, "name": "Custom Status", } else: o = { "type": ActivityType.custom.value, "name":, } if self.emoji: o["emoji"] = self.emoji.to_dict() return o def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, CustomActivity) and == and other.emoji == self.emoji ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((, str(self.emoji))) def __str__(self) -> str: if not self.emoji: return str( if return f"{self.emoji} {}" return str(self.emoji) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<CustomActivity name={!r} emoji={self.emoji!r}>"
ActivityTypes = Union[Activity, Game, CustomActivity, Streaming, Spotify] @overload def create_activity(data: ActivityPayload) -> ActivityTypes: ... @overload def create_activity(data: None) -> None: ... def create_activity(data: ActivityPayload | None) -> ActivityTypes | None: if not data: return None game_type = try_enum(ActivityType, data.get("type", -1)) if game_type is ActivityType.playing: if "application_id" in data or "session_id" in data: return Activity(**data) return Game(**data) elif game_type is ActivityType.custom: try: name = data.pop("name") except KeyError: return Activity(**data) else: # we removed the name key from data already return CustomActivity(name=name, **data) # type: ignore elif game_type is ActivityType.streaming: if "url" in data: # the url won't be None here return Streaming(**data) # type: ignore return Activity(**data) elif ( game_type is ActivityType.listening and "sync_id" in data and "session_id" in data ): return Spotify(**data) return Activity(**data)