Source code for discord.ext.commands.converter

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Rapptz
Copyright (c) 2021-present Pycord Development

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
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from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import re
from typing import (

import discord

from .errors import *

    from discord.message import PartialMessageableChannel

    from .context import Context

__all__ = (

def _get_from_guilds(bot, getter, argument):
    result = None
    for guild in bot.guilds:
        result = getattr(guild, getter)(argument)
        if result:
            return result
    return result

_utils_get = discord.utils.get
T = TypeVar("T")
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)
CT = TypeVar("CT",
TT = TypeVar("TT", bound=discord.Thread)

[docs] @runtime_checkable class Converter(Protocol[T_co]): """The base class of custom converters that require the :class:`.Context` to be passed to be useful. This allows you to implement converters that function similar to the special cased ``discord`` classes. Classes that derive from this should override the :meth:`~.Converter.convert` method to do its conversion logic. This method must be a :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`. """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> T_co: """|coro| The method to override to do conversion logic. If an error is found while converting, it is recommended to raise a :exc:`.CommandError` derived exception as it will properly propagate to the error handlers. Parameters ---------- ctx: :class:`.Context` The invocation context that the argument is being used in. argument: :class:`str` The argument that is being converted. Raises ------ :exc:`.CommandError` A generic exception occurred when converting the argument. :exc:`.BadArgument` The converter failed to convert the argument. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes need to implement this.")
_ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"([0-9]{15,20})$") class IDConverter(Converter[T_co]): @staticmethod def _get_id_match(argument): return _ID_REGEX.match(argument)
[docs] class ObjectConverter(IDConverter[discord.Object]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Object`. The argument must follow the valid ID or mention formats (e.g. `<@80088516616269824>`). .. versionadded:: 2.0 The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by member, role, or channel mention. """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Object: match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<(?:@[!&]?|#)([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) if match is None: raise ObjectNotFound(argument) result = int( return discord.Object(id=result)
[docs] class MemberConverter(IDConverter[discord.Member]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Member`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name#discrim 4. Lookup by name 5. Lookup by nickname .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.MemberNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` .. versionchanged:: 1.5.1 This converter now lazily fetches members from the gateway and HTTP APIs, optionally caching the result if :attr:`.MemberCacheFlags.joined` is enabled. """ async def query_member_named(self, guild, argument): cache = guild._state.member_cache_flags.joined if len(argument) > 5 and argument[-5] == "#": username, _, discriminator = argument.rpartition("#") members = await guild.query_members(username, limit=100, cache=cache) return discord.utils.get( members, name=username, discriminator=discriminator ) members = await guild.query_members(argument, limit=100, cache=cache) return discord.utils.find( lambda m: argument in (m.nick,, m.global_name), members, ) async def query_member_by_id(self, bot, guild, user_id): ws = bot._get_websocket(shard_id=guild.shard_id) cache = guild._state.member_cache_flags.joined if ws.is_ratelimited(): # If we're being rate limited on the WS, then fall back to using the HTTP API # So we don't have to wait ~60 seconds for the query to finish try: member = await guild.fetch_member(user_id) except discord.HTTPException: return None if cache: guild._add_member(member) return member # If we're not being rate limited then we can use the websocket to actually query members = await guild.query_members(limit=1, user_ids=[user_id], cache=cache) if not members: return None return members[0]
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Member: bot = match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<@!?([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) guild = ctx.guild result = None user_id = None if match is None: # not a mention... if guild: result = guild.get_member_named(argument) else: result = _get_from_guilds(bot, "get_member_named", argument) else: user_id = int( if guild: result = guild.get_member(user_id) if ctx.message is not None and result is None: result = _utils_get(ctx.message.mentions, id=user_id) else: result = _get_from_guilds(bot, "get_member", user_id) if result is None: if guild is None: raise MemberNotFound(argument) if user_id is not None: result = await self.query_member_by_id(bot, guild, user_id) else: result = await self.query_member_named(guild, argument) if not result: raise MemberNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class UserConverter(IDConverter[discord.User]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.User`. All lookups are via the global user cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name#discrim 4. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.UserNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` .. versionchanged:: 1.6 This converter now lazily fetches users from the HTTP APIs if an ID is passed, and it's not available in cache. """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.User: match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<@!?([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) result = None state = ctx._state if match is not None: user_id = int( result = if ctx.message is not None and result is None: result = _utils_get(ctx.message.mentions, id=user_id) if result is None: try: result = await except discord.HTTPException: raise UserNotFound(argument) from None return result arg = argument # Remove the '@' character if this is the first character from the argument if arg[0] == "@": # Remove first character arg = arg[1:] # check for discriminator if it exists, if len(arg) > 5 and arg[-5] == "#": discrim = arg[-4:] name = arg[:-5] predicate = lambda u: == name and u.discriminator == discrim result = discord.utils.find(predicate, state._users.values()) if result is not None: return result predicate = lambda u: arg in (, u.global_name) result = discord.utils.find(predicate, state._users.values()) if result is None: raise UserNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class PartialMessageConverter(Converter[discord.PartialMessage]): """Converts to a :class:`discord.PartialMessage`. .. versionadded:: 1.7 The creation strategy is as follows (in order): 1. By "{channel ID}-{message ID}" (retrieved by shift-clicking on "Copy ID") 2. By message ID (The message is assumed to be in the context channel.) 3. By message URL """ @staticmethod def _get_id_matches(ctx, argument): id_regex = re.compile( r"(?:(?P<channel_id>[0-9]{15,20})-)?(?P<message_id>[0-9]{15,20})$" ) link_regex = re.compile( r"https?://(?:(ptb|canary|www)\.)?discord(?:app)?\.com/channels/" r"(?P<guild_id>[0-9]{15,20}|@me)" r"/(?P<channel_id>[0-9]{15,20})/(?P<message_id>[0-9]{15,20})/?$" ) match = id_regex.match(argument) or link_regex.match(argument) if not match: raise MessageNotFound(argument) data = match.groupdict() channel_id = data.get("channel_id") if channel_id is None: channel_id = and else: channel_id = int(channel_id) message_id = int(data["message_id"]) guild_id = data.get("guild_id") if guild_id is None: guild_id = ctx.guild and elif guild_id == "@me": guild_id = None else: guild_id = int(guild_id) return guild_id, message_id, channel_id @staticmethod def _resolve_channel(ctx, guild_id, channel_id) -> PartialMessageableChannel | None: if guild_id is not None: guild = if guild is not None and channel_id is not None: return guild._resolve_channel(channel_id) # type: ignore else: return None else: return if channel_id else
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.PartialMessage: guild_id, message_id, channel_id = self._get_id_matches(ctx, argument) channel = self._resolve_channel(ctx, guild_id, channel_id) if not channel: raise ChannelNotFound(channel_id) return discord.PartialMessage(channel=channel, id=message_id)
[docs] class MessageConverter(IDConverter[discord.Message]): """Converts to a :class:`discord.Message`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by "{channel ID}-{message ID}" (retrieved by shift-clicking on "Copy ID") 2. Lookup by message ID (the message **must** be in the context channel) 3. Lookup by message URL .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.ChannelNotFound`, :exc:`.MessageNotFound` or :exc:`.ChannelNotReadable` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Message: guild_id, message_id, channel_id = PartialMessageConverter._get_id_matches( ctx, argument ) message = if message: return message channel = PartialMessageConverter._resolve_channel(ctx, guild_id, channel_id) if not channel: raise ChannelNotFound(channel_id) try: return await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except discord.NotFound: raise MessageNotFound(argument) except discord.Forbidden: raise ChannelNotReadable(channel)
[docs] class GuildChannelConverter(IDConverter[]): """Converts to a :class:``. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> return self._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "channels", )
@staticmethod def _resolve_channel( ctx: Context, argument: str, attribute: str, type: type[CT] ) -> CT: bot = match = IDConverter._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<#([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) result = None guild = ctx.guild if match is None: # not a mention if guild: iterable: Iterable[CT] = getattr(guild, attribute) result: CT | None = discord.utils.get(iterable, name=argument) else: def check(c): return isinstance(c, type) and == argument result = discord.utils.find(check, bot.get_all_channels()) else: channel_id = int( if guild: result = guild.get_channel(channel_id) else: result = _get_from_guilds(bot, "get_channel", channel_id) if not isinstance(result, type): raise ChannelNotFound(argument) return result @staticmethod def _resolve_thread( ctx: Context, argument: str, attribute: str, type: type[TT] ) -> TT: match = IDConverter._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<#([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) result = None guild = ctx.guild if match is None: # not a mention if guild: iterable: Iterable[TT] = getattr(guild, attribute) result: TT | None = discord.utils.get(iterable, name=argument) else: thread_id = int( if guild: result = guild.get_thread(thread_id) if not result or not isinstance(result, type): raise ThreadNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class TextChannelConverter(IDConverter[discord.TextChannel]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.TextChannel`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.ChannelNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.TextChannel: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "text_channels", discord.TextChannel )
[docs] class VoiceChannelConverter(IDConverter[discord.VoiceChannel]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.VoiceChannel`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.ChannelNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.VoiceChannel: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "voice_channels", discord.VoiceChannel )
[docs] class StageChannelConverter(IDConverter[discord.StageChannel]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.StageChannel`. .. versionadded:: 1.7 All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.StageChannel: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "stage_channels", discord.StageChannel )
[docs] class CategoryChannelConverter(IDConverter[discord.CategoryChannel]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.CategoryChannel`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.ChannelNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.CategoryChannel: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "categories", discord.CategoryChannel )
[docs] class ForumChannelConverter(IDConverter[discord.ForumChannel]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.ForumChannel`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, then the lookup is done by the global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name .. versionadded:: 2.0 """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.ForumChannel: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_channel( ctx, argument, "forum_channels", discord.ForumChannel )
[docs] class ThreadConverter(IDConverter[discord.Thread]): """Coverts to a :class:`~discord.Thread`. All lookups are via the local guild. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name. .. versionadded: 2.0 """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Thread: return GuildChannelConverter._resolve_thread( ctx, argument, "threads", discord.Thread )
[docs] class ColourConverter(Converter[discord.Colour]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Colour`. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Add an alias named ColorConverter The following formats are accepted: - ``0x<hex>`` - ``#<hex>`` - ``0x#<hex>`` - ``rgb(<number>, <number>, <number>)`` - Any of the ``classmethod`` in :class:`~discord.Colour` - The ``_`` in the name can be optionally replaced with spaces. Like CSS, ``<number>`` can be either 0-255 or 0-100% and ``<hex>`` can be either a 6 digit hex number or a 3 digit hex shortcut (e.g. #fff). .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.BadColourArgument` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Added support for ``rgb`` function and 3-digit hex shortcuts """ RGB_REGEX = re.compile( r"rgb\s*\((?P<r>[0-9]{1,3}%?)\s*,\s*(?P<g>[0-9]{1,3}%?)\s*,\s*(?P<b>[0-9]{1,3}%?)\s*\)" ) def parse_hex_number(self, argument): arg = "".join(i * 2 for i in argument) if len(argument) == 3 else argument try: value = int(arg, base=16) if not (0 <= value <= 0xFFFFFF): raise BadColourArgument(argument) except ValueError: raise BadColourArgument(argument) else: return discord.Color(value=value) def parse_rgb_number(self, argument, number): if number[-1] == "%": value = int(number[:-1]) if not (0 <= value <= 100): raise BadColourArgument(argument) return round(255 * (value / 100)) value = int(number) if not (0 <= value <= 255): raise BadColourArgument(argument) return value def parse_rgb(self, argument, *, regex=RGB_REGEX): match = regex.match(argument) if match is None: raise BadColourArgument(argument) red = self.parse_rgb_number(argument,"r")) green = self.parse_rgb_number(argument,"g")) blue = self.parse_rgb_number(argument,"b")) return discord.Color.from_rgb(red, green, blue)
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Colour: if argument[0] == "#": return self.parse_hex_number(argument[1:]) if argument[0:2] == "0x": rest = argument[2:] # Legacy backwards compatible syntax if rest.startswith("#"): return self.parse_hex_number(rest[1:]) return self.parse_hex_number(rest) arg = argument.lower() if arg[0:3] == "rgb": return self.parse_rgb(arg) arg = arg.replace(" ", "_") method = getattr(discord.Colour, arg, None) if arg.startswith("from_") or method is None or not inspect.ismethod(method): raise BadColourArgument(arg) return method()
ColorConverter = ColourConverter
[docs] class RoleConverter(IDConverter[discord.Role]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Role`. All lookups are via the local guild. If in a DM context, the converter raises :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` exception. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by mention. 3. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.RoleNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Role: guild = ctx.guild if not guild: raise NoPrivateMessage() match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<@&([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) if match: result = guild.get_role(int( else: result = discord.utils.get(guild._roles.values(), name=argument) if result is None: raise RoleNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class GameConverter(Converter[discord.Game]): """Converts to :class:`~discord.Game`."""
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Game: return discord.Game(name=argument)
[docs] class InviteConverter(Converter[discord.Invite]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Invite`. This is done via an HTTP request using :meth:`.Bot.fetch_invite`. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.BadInviteArgument` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Invite: try: invite = await return invite except Exception as exc: raise BadInviteArgument(argument) from exc
[docs] class GuildConverter(IDConverter[discord.Guild]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.Guild`. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by name. (There is no disambiguation for Guilds with multiple matching names). .. versionadded:: 1.7 """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.Guild: match = self._get_id_match(argument) result = None if match is not None: guild_id = int( result = if result is None: result = discord.utils.get(, name=argument) if result is None: raise GuildNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class EmojiConverter(IDConverter[discord.GuildEmoji]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.GuildEmoji`. All lookups are done for the local guild first, if available. If that lookup fails, then it checks the client's global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 2. Lookup by extracting ID from the emoji. 3. Lookup by name .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.EmojiNotFound` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.GuildEmoji: match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match( r"<a?:\w{1,32}:([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument ) result = None bot = guild = ctx.guild if match is None: # Try to get the emoji by name. Try local guild first. if guild: result = discord.utils.get(guild.emojis, name=argument) if result is None: result = discord.utils.get(bot.emojis, name=argument) else: emoji_id = int( # Try to look up emoji by id. result = bot.get_emoji(emoji_id) if result is None: raise EmojiNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class PartialEmojiConverter(Converter[discord.PartialEmoji]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.PartialEmoji`. This is done by extracting the animated flag, name and ID from the emoji. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Raise :exc:`.PartialEmojiConversionFailure` instead of generic :exc:`.BadArgument` """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.PartialEmoji: match = re.match(r"<(a?):(\w{1,32}):([0-9]{15,20})>$", argument) if match: emoji_animated = bool( emoji_name = emoji_id = int( return discord.PartialEmoji.with_state(, animated=emoji_animated, name=emoji_name, id=emoji_id, ) raise PartialEmojiConversionFailure(argument)
[docs] class GuildStickerConverter(IDConverter[discord.GuildSticker]): """Converts to a :class:`~discord.GuildSticker`. All lookups are done for the local guild first, if available. If that lookup fails, then it checks the client's global cache. The lookup strategy is as follows (in order): 1. Lookup by ID. 3. Lookup by name .. versionadded:: 2.0 """
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> discord.GuildSticker: match = self._get_id_match(argument) result = None bot = guild = ctx.guild if match is None: # Try to get the sticker by name. Try local guild first. if guild: result = discord.utils.get(guild.stickers, name=argument) if result is None: result = discord.utils.get(bot.stickers, name=argument) else: sticker_id = int( # Try to look up sticker by id. result = bot.get_sticker(sticker_id) if result is None: raise GuildStickerNotFound(argument) return result
[docs] class clean_content(Converter[str]): """Converts the argument to mention scrubbed version of said content. This behaves similarly to :attr:`~discord.Message.clean_content`. Attributes ---------- fix_channel_mentions: :class:`bool` Whether to clean channel mentions. use_nicknames: :class:`bool` Whether to use nicknames when transforming mentions. escape_markdown: :class:`bool` Whether to also escape special markdown characters. remove_markdown: :class:`bool` Whether to also remove special markdown characters. This option is not supported with ``escape_markdown`` .. versionadded:: 1.7 """ def __init__( self, *, fix_channel_mentions: bool = False, use_nicknames: bool = True, escape_markdown: bool = False, remove_markdown: bool = False, ) -> None: self.fix_channel_mentions = fix_channel_mentions self.use_nicknames = use_nicknames self.escape_markdown = escape_markdown self.remove_markdown = remove_markdown
[docs] async def convert(self, ctx: Context, argument: str) -> str: msg = ctx.message if ctx.guild: def resolve_member(id: int) -> str: m = ( None if msg is None else _utils_get(msg.mentions, id=id) ) or ctx.guild.get_member(id) return ( f"@{m.display_name if self.use_nicknames else}" if m else "@deleted-user" ) def resolve_role(id: int) -> str: r = ( None if msg is None else _utils_get(msg.mentions, id=id) ) or ctx.guild.get_role(id) return f"@{}" if r else "@deleted-role" else: def resolve_member(id: int) -> str: m = ( None if msg is None else _utils_get(msg.mentions, id=id) ) or return f"@{}" if m else "@deleted-user" def resolve_role(id: int) -> str: return "@deleted-role" if self.fix_channel_mentions and ctx.guild: def resolve_channel(id: int) -> str: c = ctx.guild.get_channel(id) return f"#{}" if c else "#deleted-channel" else: def resolve_channel(id: int) -> str: return f"<#{id}>" transforms = { "@": resolve_member, "@!": resolve_member, "#": resolve_channel, "@&": resolve_role, } def repl(match: re.Match) -> str: type = match[1] id = int(match[2]) transformed = transforms[type](id) return transformed result = re.sub(r"<(@[!&]?|#)([0-9]{15,20})>", repl, argument) if self.escape_markdown: result = discord.utils.escape_markdown(result) elif self.remove_markdown: result = discord.utils.remove_markdown(result) # Completely ensure no mentions escape: return discord.utils.escape_mentions(result)
[docs] class Greedy(List[T]): r"""A special converter that greedily consumes arguments until it can't. As a consequence of this behaviour, most input errors are silently discarded, since it is used as an indicator of when to stop parsing. When a parser error is met the greedy converter stops converting, undoes the internal string parsing routine, and continues parsing regularly. For example, in the following code: .. code-block:: python3 @commands.command() async def test(ctx, numbers: Greedy[int], reason: str): await ctx.send("numbers: {}, reason: {}".format(numbers, reason)) An invocation of ``[p]test 1 2 3 4 5 6 hello`` would pass ``numbers`` with ``[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]`` and ``reason`` with ``hello``\. For more information, check :ref:`ext_commands_special_converters`. """ __slots__ = ("converter",) def __init__(self, *, converter: T): self.converter = converter def __repr__(self): converter = getattr(self.converter, "__name__", repr(self.converter)) return f"Greedy[{converter}]" def __class_getitem__(cls, params: tuple[T] | T) -> Greedy[T]: if not isinstance(params, tuple): params = (params,) if len(params) != 1: raise TypeError("Greedy[...] only takes a single argument") converter = params[0] origin = getattr(converter, "__origin__", None) args = getattr(converter, "__args__", ()) if not ( callable(converter) or isinstance(converter, Converter) or origin is not None ): raise TypeError("Greedy[...] expects a type or a Converter instance.") if converter in (str, type(None)) or origin is Greedy: raise TypeError(f"Greedy[{converter.__name__}] is invalid.") if origin is Union and type(None) in args: raise TypeError(f"Greedy[{converter!r}] is invalid.") return cls(converter=converter)
def _convert_to_bool(argument: str) -> bool: lowered = argument.lower() if lowered in ("yes", "y", "true", "t", "1", "enable", "on"): return True elif lowered in ("no", "n", "false", "f", "0", "disable", "off"): return False else: raise BadBoolArgument(lowered) def get_converter(param: inspect.Parameter) -> Any: converter = param.annotation if converter is param.empty: if param.default is not param.empty: converter = str if param.default is None else type(param.default) else: converter = str return converter _GenericAlias = type(List[T]) def is_generic_type(tp: Any, *, _GenericAlias: type = _GenericAlias) -> bool: return isinstance(tp, type) and issubclass(tp, Generic) or isinstance(tp, _GenericAlias) # type: ignore CONVERTER_MAPPING: dict[type[Any], Any] = { discord.Object: ObjectConverter, discord.Member: MemberConverter, discord.User: UserConverter, discord.Message: MessageConverter, discord.PartialMessage: PartialMessageConverter, discord.TextChannel: TextChannelConverter, discord.Invite: InviteConverter, discord.Guild: GuildConverter, discord.Role: RoleConverter, discord.Game: GameConverter, discord.Colour: ColourConverter, discord.VoiceChannel: VoiceChannelConverter, discord.StageChannel: StageChannelConverter, discord.GuildEmoji: EmojiConverter, discord.PartialEmoji: PartialEmojiConverter, discord.CategoryChannel: CategoryChannelConverter, discord.ForumChannel: ForumChannelConverter, discord.Thread: ThreadConverter, GuildChannelConverter, discord.GuildSticker: GuildStickerConverter, } async def _actual_conversion( ctx: Context, converter, argument: str, param: inspect.Parameter ): if converter is bool: return _convert_to_bool(argument) try: module = converter.__module__ except AttributeError: pass else: if module is not None and ( module.startswith("discord.") and not module.endswith("converter") ): converter = CONVERTER_MAPPING.get(converter, converter) try: if inspect.isclass(converter) and issubclass(converter, Converter): if inspect.ismethod(converter.convert): return await converter.convert(ctx, argument) else: return await converter().convert(ctx, argument) elif isinstance(converter, Converter): return await converter.convert(ctx, argument) except CommandError: raise except Exception as exc: raise ConversionError(converter, exc) from exc try: return converter(argument) except CommandError: raise except Exception as exc: try: name = converter.__name__ except AttributeError: name = converter.__class__.__name__ raise BadArgument( f'Converting to "{name}" failed for parameter "{}".' ) from exc
[docs] async def run_converters( ctx: Context, converter, argument: str | None, param: inspect.Parameter ): """|coro| Runs converters for a given converter, argument, and parameter. This function does the same work that the library does under the hood. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ---------- ctx: :class:`Context` The invocation context to run the converters under. converter: Any The converter to run, this corresponds to the annotation in the function. argument: Optional[:class:`str`] The argument to convert to. param: :class:`inspect.Parameter` The parameter being converted. This is mainly for error reporting. Returns ------- Any The resulting conversion. Raises ------ CommandError The converter failed to convert. """ origin = getattr(converter, "__origin__", None) if origin is Union: errors = [] _NoneType = type(None) union_args = converter.__args__ for conv in union_args: # if we got to this part in the code, then the previous conversions have failed, so # we should just undo the view, return the default, and allow parsing to continue # with the other parameters if conv is _NoneType and param.kind != param.VAR_POSITIONAL: ctx.view.undo() return None if param.default is param.empty else param.default try: value = await run_converters(ctx, conv, argument, param) except CommandError as exc: errors.append(exc) else: return value # if we're here, then we failed all the converters raise BadUnionArgument(param, union_args, errors) if origin is Literal: errors = [] conversions = {} literal_args = converter.__args__ for literal in literal_args: literal_type = type(literal) try: value = conversions[literal_type] except KeyError: try: value = await _actual_conversion(ctx, literal_type, argument, param) except CommandError as exc: errors.append(exc) conversions[literal_type] = object() continue else: conversions[literal_type] = value if value == literal: return value # if we're here, then we failed to match all the literals raise BadLiteralArgument(param, literal_args, errors) # This must be the last if-clause in the chain of origin checking # Nearly every type is a generic type within the typing library # So care must be taken to make sure a more specialised origin handle # isn't overwritten by the widest if clause if origin is not None and is_generic_type(converter): converter = origin return await _actual_conversion(ctx, converter, argument, param)