Source code for discord.ext.commands.errors

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Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Rapptz
Copyright (c) 2021-present Pycord Development

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

from discord.errors import ClientException, DiscordException

    from inspect import Parameter

    from import GuildChannel
    from discord.threads import Thread
    from discord.types.snowflake import Snowflake, SnowflakeList

    from .context import Context
    from .converter import Converter
    from .cooldowns import BucketType, Cooldown
    from .flags import Flag

__all__ = (

[docs] class CommandError(DiscordException): r"""The base exception type for all command related errors. This inherits from :exc:`discord.DiscordException`. This exception and exceptions inherited from it are handled in a special way as they are caught and passed into a special event from :class:`.Bot`\, :func:`.on_command_error`. """ def __init__(self, message: str | None = None, *args: Any) -> None: if message is not None: # clean-up @everyone and @here mentions m = message.replace("@everyone", "@\u200beveryone").replace( "@here", "@\u200bhere" ) super().__init__(m, *args) else: super().__init__(*args)
[docs] class ConversionError(CommandError): """Exception raised when a Converter class raises non-CommandError. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError`. Attributes ---------- converter: :class:`discord.ext.commands.Converter` The converter that failed. original: :exc:`Exception` The original exception that was raised. You can also get this via the ``__cause__`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, converter: Converter, original: Exception) -> None: self.converter: Converter = converter self.original: Exception = original
[docs] class UserInputError(CommandError): """The base exception type for errors that involve errors regarding user input. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError`. """
[docs] class CommandNotFound(CommandError): """Exception raised when a command is attempted to be invoked but no command under that name is found. This is not raised for invalid subcommands, rather just the initial main command that is attempted to be invoked. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError`. """
[docs] class MissingRequiredArgument(UserInputError): """Exception raised when parsing a command and a parameter that is required is not encountered. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError` Attributes ---------- param: :class:`inspect.Parameter` The argument that is missing. """ def __init__(self, param: Parameter) -> None: self.param: Parameter = param super().__init__(f"{} is a required argument that is missing.")
[docs] class TooManyArguments(UserInputError): """Exception raised when the command was passed too many arguments and its :attr:`.Command.ignore_extra` attribute was not set to ``True``. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError` """
[docs] class BadArgument(UserInputError): """Exception raised when a parsing or conversion failure is encountered on an argument to pass into a command. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError` """
[docs] class CheckFailure(CommandError): """Exception raised when the predicates in :attr:`.Command.checks` have failed. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError` """
[docs] class CheckAnyFailure(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when all predicates in :func:`check_any` fail. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure`. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Attributes ---------- errors: List[:class:`CheckFailure`] A list of errors that were caught during execution. checks: List[Callable[[:class:`Context`], :class:`bool`]] A list of check predicates that failed. """ def __init__( self, checks: list[Callable[[Context], bool]], errors: list[CheckFailure] ) -> None: self.checks: list[Callable[[Context], bool]] = checks self.errors: list[CheckFailure] = errors super().__init__("You do not have permission to run this command.")
[docs] class PrivateMessageOnly(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when an operation does not work outside of private message contexts. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` """ def __init__(self, message: str | None = None) -> None: super().__init__( message or "This command can only be used in private messages." )
[docs] class NoPrivateMessage(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when an operation does not work in private message contexts. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` """ def __init__(self, message: str | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(message or "This command cannot be used in private messages.")
[docs] class NotOwner(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the message author is not the owner of the bot. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` """
class ObjectNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the argument provided did not match the format of an ID or a mention. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The argument supplied by the caller that was not matched """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f"{argument!r} does not follow a valid ID or mention format.")
[docs] class MemberNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the member provided was not found in the bot's cache. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The member supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Member "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class GuildNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the guild provided was not found in the bot's cache. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.7 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The guild supplied by the called that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Guild "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class UserNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the user provided was not found in the bot's cache. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The user supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'User "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class MessageNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the message provided was not found in the channel. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The message supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Message "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class ChannelNotReadable(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot does not have permission to read messages in the channel. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: Union[:class:`.abc.GuildChannel`, :class:`.Thread`] The channel supplied by the caller that was not readable """ def __init__(self, argument: GuildChannel | Thread) -> None: self.argument: GuildChannel | Thread = argument super().__init__(f"Can't read messages in {argument.mention}.")
[docs] class ChannelNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot can not find the channel. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The channel supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Channel "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class ThreadNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot can not find the thread. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The thread supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Thread "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class BadColourArgument(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the colour is not valid. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The colour supplied by the caller that was not valid """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Colour "{argument}" is invalid.')
BadColorArgument = BadColourArgument
[docs] class RoleNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot can not find the role. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The role supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Role "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class BadInviteArgument(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the invite is invalid or expired. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Invite "{argument}" is invalid or expired.')
[docs] class EmojiNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot can not find the emoji. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The emoji supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Emoji "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class PartialEmojiConversionFailure(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the emoji provided does not match the correct format. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The emoji supplied by the caller that did not match the regex """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Couldn\'t convert "{argument}" to PartialEmoji.')
[docs] class GuildStickerNotFound(BadArgument): """Exception raised when the bot can not find the sticker. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The sticker supplied by the caller that was not found """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f'Sticker "{argument}" not found.')
[docs] class BadBoolArgument(BadArgument): """Exception raised when a boolean argument was not convertible. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument` .. versionadded:: 1.5 Attributes ---------- argument: :class:`str` The boolean argument supplied by the caller that is not in the predefined list """ def __init__(self, argument: str) -> None: self.argument: str = argument super().__init__(f"{argument} is not a recognised boolean option")
[docs] class DisabledCommand(CommandError): """Exception raised when the command being invoked is disabled. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError` """
[docs] class CommandInvokeError(CommandError): """Exception raised when the command being invoked raised an exception. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError` Attributes ---------- original: :exc:`Exception` The original exception that was raised. You can also get this via the ``__cause__`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, e: Exception) -> None: self.original: Exception = e super().__init__(f"Command raised an exception: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}")
[docs] class CommandOnCooldown(CommandError): """Exception raised when the command being invoked is on cooldown. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError` Attributes ---------- cooldown: :class:`.Cooldown` A class with attributes ``rate`` and ``per`` similar to the :func:`.cooldown` decorator. type: :class:`BucketType` The type associated with the cooldown. retry_after: :class:`float` The amount of seconds to wait before you can retry again. """ def __init__( self, cooldown: Cooldown, retry_after: float, type: BucketType ) -> None: self.cooldown: Cooldown = cooldown self.retry_after: float = retry_after self.type: BucketType = type super().__init__(f"You are on cooldown. Try again in {retry_after:.2f}s")
[docs] class MaxConcurrencyReached(CommandError): """Exception raised when the command being invoked has reached its maximum concurrency. This inherits from :exc:`CommandError`. Attributes ---------- number: :class:`int` The maximum number of concurrent invokers allowed. per: :class:`.BucketType` The bucket type passed to the :func:`.max_concurrency` decorator. """ def __init__(self, number: int, per: BucketType) -> None: self.number: int = number self.per: BucketType = per name = suffix = f"per {name}" if != "default" else "globally" plural = "%s times %s" if number > 1 else "%s time %s" fmt = plural % (number, suffix) super().__init__( "Too many people are using this command. It can only be used" f" {fmt} concurrently." )
[docs] class MissingRole(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the command invoker lacks a role to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` .. versionadded:: 1.1 Attributes ---------- missing_role: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`] The required role that is missing. This is the parameter passed to :func:`~.commands.has_role`. """ def __init__(self, missing_role: Snowflake) -> None: self.missing_role: Snowflake = missing_role message = f"Role {missing_role!r} is required to run this command." super().__init__(message)
[docs] class BotMissingRole(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the bot's member lacks a role to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` .. versionadded:: 1.1 Attributes ---------- missing_role: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`] The required role that is missing. This is the parameter passed to :func:`~.commands.has_role`. """ def __init__(self, missing_role: Snowflake) -> None: self.missing_role: Snowflake = missing_role message = f"Bot requires the role {missing_role!r} to run this command" super().__init__(message)
[docs] class MissingAnyRole(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the command invoker lacks any of the roles specified to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` .. versionadded:: 1.1 Attributes ---------- missing_roles: List[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`]] The roles that the invoker is missing. These are the parameters passed to :func:`~.commands.has_any_role`. """ def __init__(self, missing_roles: SnowflakeList) -> None: self.missing_roles: SnowflakeList = missing_roles missing = [f"'{role}'" for role in missing_roles] if len(missing) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(missing[:-1])}, or {missing[-1]}" else: fmt = " or ".join(missing) message = f"You are missing at least one of the required roles: {fmt}" super().__init__(message)
[docs] class BotMissingAnyRole(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the bot's member lacks any of the roles specified to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` .. versionadded:: 1.1 Attributes ---------- missing_roles: List[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`]] The roles that the bot's member is missing. These are the parameters passed to :func:`~.commands.has_any_role`. """ def __init__(self, missing_roles: SnowflakeList) -> None: self.missing_roles: SnowflakeList = missing_roles missing = [f"'{role}'" for role in missing_roles] if len(missing) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(missing[:-1])}, or {missing[-1]}" else: fmt = " or ".join(missing) message = f"Bot is missing at least one of the required roles: {fmt}" super().__init__(message)
[docs] class NSFWChannelRequired(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when a channel does not have the required NSFW setting. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 Parameters ---------- channel: Union[:class:`.abc.GuildChannel`, :class:`.Thread`] The channel that does not have NSFW enabled. """ def __init__(self, channel: GuildChannel | Thread) -> None: GuildChannel | Thread = channel super().__init__( f"Channel '{channel}' needs to be NSFW for this command to work." )
[docs] class MissingPermissions(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the command invoker lacks permissions to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` Attributes ---------- missing_permissions: List[:class:`str`] The required permissions that are missing. """ def __init__(self, missing_permissions: list[str], *args: Any) -> None: self.missing_permissions: list[str] = missing_permissions missing = [ perm.replace("_", " ").replace("guild", "server").title() for perm in missing_permissions ] if len(missing) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(missing[:-1])}, and {missing[-1]}" else: fmt = " and ".join(missing) message = f"You are missing {fmt} permission(s) to run this command." super().__init__(message, *args)
[docs] class BotMissingPermissions(CheckFailure): """Exception raised when the bot's member lacks permissions to run a command. This inherits from :exc:`CheckFailure` Attributes ---------- missing_permissions: List[:class:`str`] The required permissions that are missing. """ def __init__(self, missing_permissions: list[str], *args: Any) -> None: self.missing_permissions: list[str] = missing_permissions missing = [ perm.replace("_", " ").replace("guild", "server").title() for perm in missing_permissions ] if len(missing) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(missing[:-1])}, and {missing[-1]}" else: fmt = " and ".join(missing) message = f"Bot requires {fmt} permission(s) to run this command." super().__init__(message, *args)
[docs] class BadUnionArgument(UserInputError): """Exception raised when a :data:`typing.Union` converter fails for all its associated types. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError` Attributes ---------- param: :class:`inspect.Parameter` The parameter that failed being converted. converters: Tuple[Type, ``...``] A tuple of converters attempted in conversion, in order of failure. errors: List[:class:`CommandError`] A list of errors that were caught from failing the conversion. """ def __init__( self, param: Parameter, converters: tuple[type, ...], errors: list[CommandError] ) -> None: self.param: Parameter = param self.converters: tuple[type, ...] = converters self.errors: list[CommandError] = errors def _get_name(x): try: return x.__name__ except AttributeError: if hasattr(x, "__origin__"): return repr(x) return x.__class__.__name__ to_string = [_get_name(x) for x in converters] if len(to_string) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(to_string[:-1])}, or {to_string[-1]}" else: fmt = " or ".join(to_string) super().__init__(f'Could not convert "{}" into {fmt}.')
[docs] class BadLiteralArgument(UserInputError): """Exception raised when a :data:`typing.Literal` converter fails for all its associated values. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- param: :class:`inspect.Parameter` The parameter that failed being converted. literals: Tuple[Any, ``...``] A tuple of values compared against in conversion, in order of failure. errors: List[:class:`CommandError`] A list of errors that were caught from failing the conversion. """ def __init__( self, param: Parameter, literals: tuple[Any, ...], errors: list[CommandError] ) -> None: self.param: Parameter = param self.literals: tuple[Any, ...] = literals self.errors: list[CommandError] = errors to_string = [repr(l) for l in literals] if len(to_string) > 2: fmt = f"{', '.join(to_string[:-1])}, or {to_string[-1]}" else: fmt = " or ".join(to_string) super().__init__(f'Could not convert "{}" into the literal {fmt}.')
[docs] class ArgumentParsingError(UserInputError): """An exception raised when the parser fails to parse a user's input. This inherits from :exc:`UserInputError`. There are child classes that implement more granular parsing errors for i18n purposes. """
[docs] class UnexpectedQuoteError(ArgumentParsingError): """An exception raised when the parser encounters a quote mark inside a non-quoted string. This inherits from :exc:`ArgumentParsingError`. Attributes ---------- quote: :class:`str` The quote mark that was found inside the non-quoted string. """ def __init__(self, quote: str) -> None: self.quote: str = quote super().__init__(f"Unexpected quote mark, {quote!r}, in non-quoted string")
[docs] class InvalidEndOfQuotedStringError(ArgumentParsingError): """An exception raised when a space is expected after the closing quote in a string but a different character is found. This inherits from :exc:`ArgumentParsingError`. Attributes ---------- char: :class:`str` The character found instead of the expected string. """ def __init__(self, char: str) -> None: self.char: str = char super().__init__( f"Expected space after closing quotation but received {char!r}" )
[docs] class ExpectedClosingQuoteError(ArgumentParsingError): """An exception raised when a quote character is expected but not found. This inherits from :exc:`ArgumentParsingError`. Attributes ---------- close_quote: :class:`str` The quote character expected. """ def __init__(self, close_quote: str) -> None: self.close_quote: str = close_quote super().__init__(f"Expected closing {close_quote}.")
[docs] class CommandRegistrationError(ClientException): """An exception raised when the command can't be added because the name is already taken by a different command. This inherits from :exc:`discord.ClientException` .. versionadded:: 1.4 Attributes ---------- name: :class:`str` The command name that had the error. alias_conflict: :class:`bool` Whether the name that conflicts is an alias of the command we try to add. """ def __init__(self, name: str, *, alias_conflict: bool = False) -> None: str = name self.alias_conflict: bool = alias_conflict type_ = "alias" if alias_conflict else "command" super().__init__(f"The {type_} {name} is already an existing command or alias.")
[docs] class FlagError(BadArgument): """The base exception type for all flag parsing related errors. This inherits from :exc:`BadArgument`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """
[docs] class TooManyFlags(FlagError): """An exception raised when a flag has received too many values. This inherits from :exc:`FlagError`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- flag: :class:`~discord.ext.commands.Flag` The flag that received too many values. values: List[:class:`str`] The values that were passed. """ def __init__(self, flag: Flag, values: list[str]) -> None: self.flag: Flag = flag self.values: list[str] = values super().__init__( f"Too many flag values, expected {flag.max_args} but received" f" {len(values)}." )
[docs] class BadFlagArgument(FlagError): """An exception raised when a flag failed to convert a value. This inherits from :exc:`FlagError` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- flag: :class:`~discord.ext.commands.Flag` The flag that failed to convert. """ def __init__(self, flag: Flag) -> None: self.flag: Flag = flag try: name = flag.annotation.__name__ except AttributeError: name = flag.annotation.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(f"Could not convert to {name!r} for flag {!r}")
[docs] class MissingRequiredFlag(FlagError): """An exception raised when a required flag was not given. This inherits from :exc:`FlagError` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- flag: :class:`~discord.ext.commands.Flag` The required flag that was not found. """ def __init__(self, flag: Flag) -> None: self.flag: Flag = flag super().__init__(f"Flag {!r} is required and missing")
[docs] class MissingFlagArgument(FlagError): """An exception raised when a flag did not get a value. This inherits from :exc:`FlagError` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- flag: :class:`~discord.ext.commands.Flag` The flag that did not get a value. """ def __init__(self, flag: Flag) -> None: self.flag: Flag = flag super().__init__(f"Flag {!r} does not have an argument")