Source code for discord.threads

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Rapptz
Copyright (c) 2021-present Pycord Development

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
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Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable

from .abc import Messageable, _purge_messages_helper
from .enums import ChannelType, try_enum
from .errors import ClientException
from .flags import ChannelFlags
from .mixins import Hashable
from .utils import MISSING, _get_as_snowflake, parse_time

__all__ = (

    from .abc import Snowflake, SnowflakeTime
    from .channel import CategoryChannel, ForumChannel, ForumTag, TextChannel
    from .guild import Guild
    from .member import Member
    from .message import Message, PartialMessage
    from .permissions import Permissions
    from .role import Role
    from .state import ConnectionState
    from .types.snowflake import SnowflakeList
    from .types.threads import Thread as ThreadPayload
    from .types.threads import ThreadArchiveDuration
    from .types.threads import ThreadMember as ThreadMemberPayload
    from .types.threads import ThreadMetadata

[docs]class Thread(Messageable, Hashable): """Represents a Discord thread. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two threads are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two threads are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the thread's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the thread's name. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- name: :class:`str` The thread name. guild: :class:`Guild` The guild the thread belongs to. id: :class:`int` The thread ID. .. note:: This ID is the same as the thread starting message ID. parent_id: :class:`int` The parent :class:`TextChannel` ID this thread belongs to. owner_id: :class:`int` The user's ID that created this thread. last_message_id: Optional[:class:`int`] The last message ID of the message sent to this thread. It may *not* point to an existing or valid message. slowmode_delay: :class:`int` The number of seconds a member must wait between sending messages in this thread. A value of `0` denotes that it is disabled. Bots and users with :attr:`~Permissions.manage_channels` or :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` bypass slowmode. message_count: :class:`int` An approximate number of messages in this thread. This caps at 50. member_count: :class:`int` An approximate number of members in this thread. This caps at 50. me: Optional[:class:`ThreadMember`] A thread member representing yourself, if you've joined the thread. This could not be available. archived: :class:`bool` Whether the thread is archived. locked: :class:`bool` Whether the thread is locked. invitable: :class:`bool` Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to this thread. This is always ``True`` for public threads. auto_archive_duration: :class:`int` The duration in minutes until the thread is automatically archived due to inactivity. Usually a value of 60, 1440, 4320 and 10080. archive_timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime` An aware timestamp of when the thread's archived status was last updated in UTC. created_at: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] An aware timestamp of when the thread was created. Only available for threads created after 2022-01-09. flags: :class:`ChannelFlags` Extra features of the thread. .. versionadded:: 2.0 total_message_sent: :class:`int` Number of messages ever sent in a thread. It's similar to message_count on message creation, but will not decrement the number when a message is deleted. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ __slots__ = ( "name", "id", "guild", "_type", "_state", "_members", "_applied_tags", "owner_id", "parent_id", "last_message_id", "message_count", "member_count", "slowmode_delay", "me", "locked", "archived", "invitable", "auto_archive_duration", "archive_timestamp", "created_at", "flags", "total_message_sent", ) def __init__(self, *, guild: Guild, state: ConnectionState, data: ThreadPayload): self._state: ConnectionState = state self.guild = guild self._members: dict[int, ThreadMember] = {} self._from_data(data) async def _get_channel(self): return self def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<Thread id={!r} name={!r} parent={self.parent}" f" owner_id={self.owner_id!r} locked={self.locked} archived={self.archived}>" ) def __str__(self) -> str: return def _from_data(self, data: ThreadPayload): # This data will always exist = int(data["id"]) self.parent_id = int(data["parent_id"]) = data["name"] self._type = try_enum(ChannelType, data["type"]) # This data may be missing depending on how this object is being created self.owner_id = ( int(data.get("owner_id")) if data.get("owner_id", None) is not None else None ) self.last_message_id = _get_as_snowflake(data, "last_message_id") self.slowmode_delay = data.get("rate_limit_per_user", 0) self.message_count = data.get("message_count", None) self.member_count = data.get("member_count", None) self.flags: ChannelFlags = ChannelFlags._from_value(data.get("flags", 0)) self.total_message_sent = data.get("total_message_sent", None) self._applied_tags: list[int] = [ int(tag_id) for tag_id in data.get("applied_tags", []) ] # Here, we try to fill in potentially missing data if thread := self.guild.get_thread( and data.pop("_invoke_flag", False): self.owner_id = thread.owner_id if self.owner_id is None else self.owner_id self.last_message_id = ( thread.last_message_id if self.last_message_id is None else self.last_message_id ) self.message_count = ( thread.message_count if self.message_count is None else self.message_count ) self.total_message_sent = ( thread.total_message_sent if self.total_message_sent is None else self.total_message_sent ) self.member_count = ( thread.member_count if self.member_count is None else self.member_count ) self._unroll_metadata(data["thread_metadata"]) try: member = data["member"] except KeyError: = None else: = ThreadMember(self, member) def _unroll_metadata(self, data: ThreadMetadata): self.archived = data["archived"] self.auto_archive_duration = data["auto_archive_duration"] self.archive_timestamp = parse_time(data["archive_timestamp"]) self.locked = data["locked"] self.invitable = data.get("invitable", True) self.created_at = parse_time(data.get("create_timestamp", None)) def _update(self, data): try: = data["name"] except KeyError: pass self._applied_tags: list[int] = [ int(tag_id) for tag_id in data.get("applied_tags", []) ] self.flags: ChannelFlags = ChannelFlags._from_value(data.get("flags", 0)) self.slowmode_delay = data.get("rate_limit_per_user", 0) try: self._unroll_metadata(data["thread_metadata"]) except KeyError: pass @property def type(self) -> ChannelType: """The channel's Discord type.""" return self._type @property def parent(self) -> TextChannel | ForumChannel | None: """The parent channel this thread belongs to.""" return self.guild.get_channel(self.parent_id) # type: ignore @property def owner(self) -> Member | None: """The member this thread belongs to.""" return self.guild.get_member(self.owner_id) @property def mention(self) -> str: """The string that allows you to mention the thread.""" return f"<#{}>" @property def jump_url(self) -> str: """Returns a URL that allows the client to jump to the thread. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return f"{}/{}" @property def members(self) -> list[ThreadMember]: """A list of thread members in this thread, including the bot if it is a member of this thread. This requires :attr:`Intents.members` to be properly filled. Most of the time however, this data is not provided by the gateway and a call to :meth:`fetch_members` is needed. """ return list(self._members.values()) @property def applied_tags(self) -> list[ForumTag]: """List[:class:`ForumTag`]: A list of tags applied to this thread. This is only available for threads in forum channels. """ from .channel import ForumChannel # to prevent circular import if isinstance(self.parent, ForumChannel): return [ tag for tag_id in self._applied_tags if (tag := self.parent.get_tag(tag_id)) is not None ] return [] @property def last_message(self) -> Message | None: """Returns the last message from this thread in cache. The message might not be valid or point to an existing message. .. admonition:: Reliable Fetching :class: helpful For a slightly more reliable method of fetching the last message, consider using either :meth:`history` or :meth:`fetch_message` with the :attr:`last_message_id` attribute. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`Message`] The last message in this channel or ``None`` if not found. """ return ( self._state._get_message(self.last_message_id) if self.last_message_id else None ) @property def category(self) -> CategoryChannel | None: """The category channel the parent channel belongs to, if applicable. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`CategoryChannel`] The parent channel's category. Raises ------ ClientException The parent channel was not cached and returned ``None``. """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: raise ClientException("Parent channel not found") return parent.category @property def category_id(self) -> int | None: """The category channel ID the parent channel belongs to, if applicable. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`int`] The parent channel's category ID. Raises ------ ClientException The parent channel was not cached and returned ``None``. """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: raise ClientException("Parent channel not found") return parent.category_id @property def starting_message(self) -> Message | None: """Returns the message that started this thread. The message might not be valid or point to an existing message. .. note:: The ID for this message is the same as the thread ID. Returns ------- Optional[:class:`Message`] The message that started this thread or ``None`` if not found in the cache. """ return self._state._get_message(
[docs] def is_pinned(self) -> bool: """Whether the thread is pinned to the top of its parent forum channel. .. versionadded:: 2.3 """ return self.flags.pinned
[docs] def is_private(self) -> bool: """Whether the thread is a private thread. A private thread is only viewable by those that have been explicitly invited or have :attr:`~.Permissions.manage_threads`. """ return self._type is ChannelType.private_thread
[docs] def is_news(self) -> bool: """Whether the thread is a news thread. A news thread is a thread that has a parent that is a news channel, i.e. :meth:`.TextChannel.is_news` is ``True``. """ return self._type is ChannelType.news_thread
[docs] def is_nsfw(self) -> bool: """Whether the thread is NSFW or not. An NSFW thread is a thread that has a parent that is an NSFW channel, i.e. :meth:`.TextChannel.is_nsfw` is ``True``. """ parent = self.parent return parent is not None and parent.is_nsfw()
[docs] def permissions_for(self, obj: Member | Role, /) -> Permissions: """Handles permission resolution for the :class:`~discord.Member` or :class:`~discord.Role`. Since threads do not have their own permissions, they inherit them from the parent channel. This is a convenience method for calling :meth:`~discord.TextChannel.permissions_for` on the parent channel. Parameters ---------- obj: Union[:class:`~discord.Member`, :class:`~discord.Role`] The object to resolve permissions for. This could be either a member or a role. If it's a role then member overwrites are not computed. Returns ------- :class:`~discord.Permissions` The resolved permissions for the member or role. Raises ------ ClientException The parent channel was not cached and returned ``None`` """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: raise ClientException("Parent channel not found") return parent.permissions_for(obj)
[docs] async def delete_messages( self, messages: Iterable[Snowflake], *, reason: str | None = None ) -> None: """|coro| Deletes a list of messages. This is similar to :meth:`Message.delete` except it bulk deletes multiple messages. As a special case, if the number of messages is 0, then nothing is done. If the number of messages is 1 then single message delete is done. If it's more than two, then bulk delete is used. You cannot bulk delete more than 100 messages or messages that are older than 14 days old. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to use this. Usable only by bot accounts. Parameters ---------- messages: Iterable[:class:`abc.Snowflake`] An iterable of messages denoting which ones to bulk delete. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for deleting the messages. Shows up on the audit log. Raises ------ ClientException The number of messages to delete was more than 100. Forbidden You do not have proper permissions to delete the messages, or you're not using a bot account. NotFound If single delete, then the message was already deleted. HTTPException Deleting the messages failed. """ if not isinstance(messages, (list, tuple)): messages = list(messages) if len(messages) == 0: return # do nothing if len(messages) == 1: message_id = messages[0].id await self._state.http.delete_message(, message_id, reason=reason) return if len(messages) > 100: raise ClientException("Can only bulk delete messages up to 100 messages") message_ids: SnowflakeList = [ for m in messages] await self._state.http.delete_messages(, message_ids, reason=reason)
[docs] async def purge( self, *, limit: int | None = 100, check: Callable[[Message], bool] = MISSING, before: SnowflakeTime | None = None, after: SnowflakeTime | None = None, around: SnowflakeTime | None = None, oldest_first: bool | None = False, bulk: bool = True, reason: str | None = None, ) -> list[Message]: """|coro| Purges a list of messages that meet the criteria given by the predicate ``check``. If a ``check`` is not provided then all messages are deleted without discrimination. You must have the :attr:`~Permissions.manage_messages` permission to delete messages even if they are your own (unless you are a user account). The :attr:`~Permissions.read_message_history` permission is also needed to retrieve message history. Parameters ---------- limit: Optional[:class:`int`] The number of messages to search through. This is not the number of messages that will be deleted, though it can be. check: Callable[[:class:`Message`], :class:`bool`] The function used to check if a message should be deleted. It must take a :class:`Message` as its sole parameter. before: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``before`` in :meth:`history`. after: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``after`` in :meth:`history`. around: Optional[Union[:class:`abc.Snowflake`, :class:`datetime.datetime`]] Same as ``around`` in :meth:`history`. oldest_first: Optional[:class:`bool`] Same as ``oldest_first`` in :meth:`history`. bulk: :class:`bool` If ``True``, use bulk delete. Setting this to ``False`` is useful for mass-deleting a bot's own messages without :attr:`Permissions.manage_messages`. When ``True``, will fall back to single delete if messages are older than two weeks. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for deleting the messages. Shows up on the audit log. Returns ------- List[:class:`.Message`] The list of messages that were deleted. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have proper permissions to do the actions required. HTTPException Purging the messages failed. Examples -------- Deleting bot's messages :: def is_me(m): return == client.user deleted = await thread.purge(limit=100, check=is_me) await thread.send(f'Deleted {len(deleted)} message(s)') """ return await _purge_messages_helper( self, limit=limit, check=check, before=before, after=after, around=around, oldest_first=oldest_first, bulk=bulk, reason=reason, )
[docs] async def edit( self, *, name: str = MISSING, archived: bool = MISSING, locked: bool = MISSING, invitable: bool = MISSING, slowmode_delay: int = MISSING, auto_archive_duration: ThreadArchiveDuration = MISSING, pinned: bool = MISSING, applied_tags: list[ForumTag] = MISSING, reason: str | None = None, ) -> Thread: """|coro| Edits the thread. Editing the thread requires :attr:`.Permissions.manage_threads`. The thread creator can also edit ``name``, ``archived`` or ``auto_archive_duration``. Note that if the thread is locked then only those with :attr:`.Permissions.manage_threads` can send messages in it or unarchive a thread. The thread must be unarchived to be edited. Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The new name of the thread. archived: :class:`bool` Whether to archive the thread or not. locked: :class:`bool` Whether to lock the thread or not. invitable: :class:`bool` Whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to this thread. Only available for private threads. auto_archive_duration: :class:`int` The new duration in minutes before a thread is automatically archived for inactivity. Must be one of ``60``, ``1440``, ``4320``, or ``10080``. slowmode_delay: :class:`int` Specifies the slowmode rate limit for user in this thread, in seconds. A value of ``0`` disables slowmode. The maximum value possible is ``21600``. reason: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason for editing this thread. Shows up on the audit log. pinned: :class:`bool` Whether to pin the thread or not. This only works if the thread is part of a forum. applied_tags: List[:class:`ForumTag`] The set of tags to apply to the thread. Each tag object should have an ID set. .. versionadded:: 2.3 Returns ------- :class:`Thread` The newly edited thread. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have permissions to edit the thread. HTTPException Editing the thread failed. """ payload = {} if name is not MISSING: payload["name"] = str(name) if archived is not MISSING: payload["archived"] = archived if auto_archive_duration is not MISSING: payload["auto_archive_duration"] = auto_archive_duration if locked is not MISSING: payload["locked"] = locked if invitable is not MISSING: payload["invitable"] = invitable if slowmode_delay is not MISSING: payload["rate_limit_per_user"] = slowmode_delay if pinned is not MISSING: # copy the ChannelFlags object to avoid mutating the original flags = ChannelFlags._from_value(self.flags.value) flags.pinned = pinned payload["flags"] = flags.value if applied_tags is not MISSING: payload["applied_tags"] = [ for tag in applied_tags] data = await self._state.http.edit_channel(, **payload, reason=reason) # The data payload will always be a Thread payload return Thread(data=data, state=self._state, guild=self.guild) # type: ignore
[docs] async def archive(self, locked: bool = MISSING) -> Thread: """|coro| Archives the thread. This is a shorthand of :meth:`.edit`. Parameters ---------- locked: :class:`bool` Whether to lock the thread on archive, Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- :class:`.Thread` The updated thread. """ return await self.edit(archived=True, locked=locked)
[docs] async def unarchive(self) -> Thread: """|coro| Unarchives the thread. This is a shorthand of :meth:`.edit`. Returns ------- :class:`.Thread` The updated thread. """ return await self.edit(archived=False)
[docs] async def join(self): """|coro| Joins this thread. You must have :attr:`~Permissions.send_messages_in_threads` to join a thread. If the thread is private, :attr:`~Permissions.manage_threads` is also needed. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have permissions to join the thread. HTTPException Joining the thread failed. """ await self._state.http.join_thread(
[docs] async def leave(self): """|coro| Leaves this thread. Raises ------ HTTPException Leaving the thread failed. """ await self._state.http.leave_thread(
[docs] async def add_user(self, user: Snowflake): """|coro| Adds a user to this thread. You must have :attr:`~Permissions.send_messages_in_threads` to add a user to a public thread. If the thread is private and :attr:`invitable` is ``False``, then :attr:`~Permissions.manage_threads` is required. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`abc.Snowflake` The user to add to the thread. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have permissions to add the user to the thread. HTTPException Adding the user to the thread failed. """ await self._state.http.add_user_to_thread(,
[docs] async def remove_user(self, user: Snowflake): """|coro| Removes a user from this thread. You must have :attr:`~Permissions.manage_threads` or be the creator of the thread to remove a user. Parameters ---------- user: :class:`abc.Snowflake` The user to remove from the thread. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have permissions to remove the user from the thread. HTTPException Removing the user from the thread failed. """ await self._state.http.remove_user_from_thread(,
[docs] async def fetch_members(self) -> list[ThreadMember]: """|coro| Retrieves all :class:`ThreadMember` that are in this thread. This requires :attr:`Intents.members` to get information about members other than yourself. Returns ------- List[:class:`ThreadMember`] All thread members in the thread. Raises ------ HTTPException Retrieving the members failed. """ members = await self._state.http.get_thread_members( thread_members = [ThreadMember(parent=self, data=data) for data in members] for member in thread_members: self._add_member(member) return thread_members
[docs] async def delete(self): """|coro| Deletes this thread. You must have :attr:`~Permissions.manage_threads` to delete threads. Raises ------ Forbidden You do not have permissions to delete this thread. HTTPException Deleting the thread failed. """ await self._state.http.delete_channel(
[docs] def get_partial_message(self, message_id: int, /) -> PartialMessage: """Creates a :class:`PartialMessage` from the message ID. This is useful if you want to work with a message and only have its ID without doing an unnecessary API call. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ---------- message_id: :class:`int` The message ID to create a partial message for. Returns ------- :class:`PartialMessage` The partial message. """ from .message import PartialMessage return PartialMessage(channel=self, id=message_id)
def _add_member(self, member: ThreadMember) -> None: self._members[] = member def _pop_member(self, member_id: int) -> ThreadMember | None: return self._members.pop(member_id, None)
[docs]class ThreadMember(Hashable): """Represents a Discord thread member. .. container:: operations .. describe:: x == y Checks if two thread members are equal. .. describe:: x != y Checks if two thread members are not equal. .. describe:: hash(x) Returns the thread member's hash. .. describe:: str(x) Returns the thread member's name. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Attributes ---------- id: :class:`int` The thread member's ID. thread_id: :class:`int` The thread's ID. joined_at: :class:`datetime.datetime` The time the member joined the thread in UTC. """ __slots__ = ( "id", "thread_id", "joined_at", "flags", "_state", "parent", ) def __init__(self, parent: Thread, data: ThreadMemberPayload): self.parent = parent self._state = parent._state self._from_data(data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "<ThreadMember" f" id={} thread_id={self.thread_id} joined_at={self.joined_at!r}>" ) def _from_data(self, data: ThreadMemberPayload): try: = int(data["user_id"]) except KeyError: assert self._state.self_id is not None = self._state.self_id try: self.thread_id = int(data["id"]) except KeyError: self.thread_id = self.joined_at = parse_time(data["join_timestamp"]) self.flags = data["flags"] @property def thread(self) -> Thread: """The thread this member belongs to.""" return self.parent